Our Service Promise - If something does not meet your expectation, please let us know. We want to make it right.
It is our expectation that no client finds cause to complain. We work hard to ensure that our services meet your expectation, and we are very sorry if you have had cause to complain. If you feel dissatisfied or have any concerns, please discuss with a member of staff where we expect that you will receive a satisfactory response.
In some cases, you may feel more comfortable speaking to someone not directly involved in your treatment. The Clinic Manager is available in clinic or may be contacted at: manager@clinicamedica.co.uk
On receipt of your complaint, a full investigation will take place and a letter of response provided to you, at the latest, within 20 working days.
Should your concern remain unresolved you may wish to take your complaint to Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Indeed, you may prefer to take your complaint directly to:
Programme Manager
Independent Healthcare Services Team
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Gyle Square
1 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB
Tel: 0131 623 4342 (10am-2pm, Monday to Friday)
Email: his.ihcregulation@nhs.scot